Teleradiology at Sniper Solutions.
The transfer of radiological images from one location to another for the purpose of interpretation by radiologists is termed Teleradiology. These include all patient non-invasive images such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs etc. It is a part of telemedicine and like all remote operations, telecommunication systems are used to transfer all radiological images to consultants who can do the interpretations at a remote location different from the place of image creation.
Teleradiology, at present, has seen a marked increase globally, primarily due to a dearth in the availability of well-qualified radiologists, especially in emergencies which necessitates an immediate need for image interpretation. Due to a lack of sufficient in-house consultants, radiological consulting or tele-radiological service provision has seen tremendous growth and countries like the US and UK outsource the work to other countries with a good supply of radiologists like India, Australia, and Europe.
At Sniper Solutions we have an excellent team of well-trained, Indian-board certified radiologists whose services are on par with the global standards. We make sure to have our team available 24x7 and be 'on-call' for consultations which include night reporting as well.