The transfer of radiological images from one location to another for the purpose of interpretation by radiologists is termed Teleradiology. These include all patient non-invasive images such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs etc. It is a part of telemedicine and like all remote operations, telecommunication systems are used to transfer all radiological images to consultants who can do the interpretations at a remote location different from the place of image creation.
Teleradiology, at present, has seen a marked increase globally, primarily due to a dearth in the availability of well-qualified radiologists, especially in emergencies which necessitates an immediate need for image interpretation. Due to a lack of sufficient in-house consultants, radiological consulting or teleradiological service provision has seen tremendous growth and countries like US, UK, Australia & others outsource the work to other countries with large number of radiologists like India.
Images acquired from
hospital & transmitted
Received for interpretation
by radiologists in remote
Radiologists Read
& Create Reports
Submission of reports
to hospital
At Sniper Solutions we have an excellent team of well-trained, Indian board-certified radiologists whose services are on par with global standards. we make sure to have our team available 24x7 and be on-call for consultations which include night reporting as well.
Dr. J.P. is an M.D. in Radiodiagnosis from AIIMS and has 10 years of expertise in cross sectional imaging. He is specialized in cardiac imaging (CT & MRI) His membership include Life member IRIA, Life member IACI, Life member SCCT, Member European Society of Radiology, Life member IMA.
Dr. K.P. is an M.D. in Radiodiagnosis from PGIMER and has 9 years of expertise in cross sectional imaging. Her special interest are Whole body Cross sectional imaging ( CT, MRI) & Neuro imaging, contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in kidney and liver. Her accolades include M.D. Silver medal (Placed first in M.D. examination) and M.B.B.S. Govt Gold medal for the most deserving student/Gold medal for Best Outgoing MBBS student.
Dr. V S. P. is an M.D. in Radiodiagnosis from Amrita and has 7 years of expertise in cross sectional imaging and breast imaging. Her special interests are breast imaging. Her accolades include MBBS – DICSTINCTIONS in Pharmacology , ENT ,Ophthalmology , Social And Preventive Medicine.
Dr. K. S. is an M.D. in Radiodiagnosis from TMC and has 2 years of expertise in general imaging. She is specializing in general and cross sectional imaging.
Radiologists use voice recognition software to record the findings for transmission.
This is used for assisting specialists in interpreting images.
These are used for making efficient analysis of the received images.
Use of image compression and mobile DICOM viewing (IMAIOS DICOM VIEWER, Droid reader) for ease of use in mobiles to review studies and not for primary diagnosis.
As can be assumed, storage plays a vital role in handling the humongous amount of images that need to be transmitted back and forth. It relies on high-quality servers with the ability to store and process large data at a high resolution with colour accuracy.
Cloud storage-Teleradiology primarily runs on cloud storage as the main source of storage due to the number of advantages it offers like considerable cost reduction, the ability to store huge amounts of large images, easy access, storage space can be increased when needed etc.
eRAD PACS Evolution is a state-of-the-art solution for flexible image and workflow management. Web-based, distributed reading to drive performance in today’s healthcare enterprise.
Servers on-site - Teleradiology continues to utilize on-site servers too, though it has a limited storage capacity.
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